Mariano Mora - Experimentation: the key to commercial success

El Lobby

Mariano Mora – Experimentation: the key to commercial success

Isabella González

Isabella González

Head of Customer Success at Lineup

Being part of Skandia's Digital Laboratory, Mariano tells us how experimentation is the key to commercial success.

Mariano Mora

Skala’s Channels Lead at Skandia Colombia

In this episode of Conversations in the Lobby, we had the opportunity to speak with Mariano about how sales in digital channels work today, especially through the use of influencers on social media. Mariano is part of Skandia’s Digital Laboratory, where strategies are constantly devised to collaborate with influencers who focus on financial education, to help them scale the sales of financial products. In this article, we share a summary of the key points of this conversation and how experimentation is the key to commercial success.

What Mariano shared:

Key Challenges in the World of Digital Sales

  • The first one is how to earn people’s trust. One way to begin breaking this initial barrier is through influencers with a focus on financial education who have a well-established community that believes in them, follows them, and trusts them.
  • The second one is how I can make these sales massive. Financial advisors have limited attention spans. Technology serves as a valuable ally in addressing this challenge and partnering with advisors to significantly boost their sales.

In commercial business strategies, especially in the digital world, there is a need for a lot of experimentation. It’s a process of trial and error, but with each test, one should learn and adjust based on that learning.

3 Tips for influencers with a focus on financial education who want to work in Skandia’s Laboratory:

  • To set aside the transactional model of ‘charging per post’ and begin to seek the construction of a long-term relationship.
  • Having an open mindset of experimentation.
  • Having an open mindset for co-creation in order to reach the ‘jackpot,’ which ultimately is a scalable sales system.

“A salesperson is a mix of being born and becoming one. You must be born with the inclination to relate to people better. However, talent without discipline and without honing it won’t get you anywhere.”

Mariano Mora

In sales, especially when offering financial products, the most important thing is for your client to trust you, and for you to have the empathy to truly understand, through listening, what the person needs in order to offer them a tailored solution.


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