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Pamela Hollmann - The Power of Listening

El Lobby

Pamela Hollmann – The Power of Listening

Isabella González

Isabella González

Head of Customer Success at Lineup

In this interview, Pamela shows us the incredible power of listening. Attentive listening is the most powerful tool for successful sales.

Pamela Hollmann

Co-Founder and CFO at Velara Fintech

During this episode of “Conversations in The Lobby,” we had the pleasure of interviewing Pamela, who shared her journey and experience in founding Velara. A journey that has undeniably brought her and her Co-Founder Jessica Olivan numerous insights, shaping where they stand today. These insights have guided them in making strategic decisions, altering their services based on the ideal customer profile they identified and the needs they understand these individuals have today. This episode delves not only into sales but also the courage required for entrepreneurship and how to embark on it without losing oneself in the process. Pamela also shows us the incredible power of listening for achieving successful sales.

What did Pamela Tell us?

  • Education serves as a crucial tool in transforming potential prospects into qualified ones. First, educate prospects to prepare them for embracing the services/products you offer.
  • The most vital aspect for potential prospects to connect with the educational content you provide is: listening. Understanding what they want, what they need, how to explain it, and creating a community where they feel secure.
  • To identify and build the ideal customer profile you should target, you must traverse a path of trial and error, getting to know your market to segment it based on behavior and needs.

“A right customer translates into efficiency, which translates into time, money, economic resources, and even peace of mind.”

Pamela Hollmann
  • Upon pinpointing the ideal audience and the type of client you aim to reach, you discover the efficiency your business requires.
  • Undoubtedly, the key to selling better is to listen to what your audience wants and how they want it. Based on this, make decisions about your business.

Keep in mind, at El Lobby, we become the ultimate #DealClosers in Latin America.


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