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Diego Tovar – The Past, Present, and Future of Sales

El Lobby

Diego Tovar – The Past, Present, and Future of Sales

Isabella González

Isabella González

Head of Customer Success at Lineup

A journey through the past, present, and future of sales considering the context and influence of technology.

Diego Tovar

Co-Founder and Chief Banking & Business Development Officer at UbankU, Founder at Augmented Business Consortium and Chief Stategy Officer at Backbone

Diego’s journey through the world of sales is extensive and filled with experiences that bring invaluable insights. In today’s interview, our guest takes us on a tour of his journey of the past, present, and future of Sales, provides significant input on the changes sales has undergone since he entered the industry, and offers a glimpse into his vision of the future of sales.

How was this Journey?

We embarked on this journey starting with the past. Diego’s career as a salesperson began with the emergence of the concept of consultative selling: selling to help solve a problem. Then, sales took an interesting turn. The “best practices” model was introduced, which led to the “Challenger Sale” concept. Here, the salesperson challenges the client company’s business model rather than just solving a problem, assisting in changing it to survive in the industry.

Next, we analyzed the present perspective of sales. The “Challenger Sale” concept remains relevant, but digital marketing has entered the equation as support not only for lead generation but also for other sales processes and the sales itself. Undoubtedly, technology has opened doors for better decision-making in sales teams; however, not everything is automatable, and not everything can be replaced by a machine. Machines don’t think because they lack the context that the human mind can extract from a situation.

The future of Sales

Subsequently, we took a step forward to explore Diego’s views on the future of sales and how augmented reality and the metaverse developments will influence the industry. Diego explains that the foundation of the metaverse is Web3, where we all own our content and authority. This makes all of us sellers of our things, our services, and ourselves. Everyone needs to acquire sales skills to survive.

“Sales skills can be acquired; they have methods and can be trained. A salesperson in the future must develop these skills to survive. Success in sales is 10% inspiration – what you’re born with – and 90% implementation – what you can learn and execute.”

Diego Tovar

We also discussed with Diego the importance of meaningful connections in sales and how he believes this will be in the future. His perspective is that a significant sale today is not about what we sell but how we sell it. This communicational aspect is something artificial intelligence cannot replace. Relationships are built between individuals where both the salesperson and the client seek the same thing: solving the client’s needs.

Finally, the interview concludes with the fundamental pillars that companies must consider today to achieve exponential sales growth from a strategic perspective.

Keep in mind, at The Lobby, we become the ultimate #DealClosers in Latin America.


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